
National Observatory of Athens


IERSD since its founding has got as a main goal the study of the Environment following an integrated/multidisciplinary approach, performing leading edge research and providing high quality services.

Currently, the Institute's strategy is based upon the following pillars:

  1.     Extension of its nation-wide weather monitoring networks and development of reliable databases.
  2.     Integrated monitoring of environmental pressures, focusing on atmospheric quality, following multidisciplinary approaches and applying synergies between different methodologies and tools.
  3.     Improvement of the understanding, monitoring and forecasting of meteorological parameters and their integration in methodologies tools and services.
  4.     Development of tools and methodologies for the analysis of future climate projections in Europe/the Mediterranean Basin, the estimation of the impacts of climate change and the assessment of adaptation and mitigation strategies.
  5.     Development of methodological tools for the assessment of the building energy performance to reach nearly-zero energy buildings (NZEB).

National Observatory of Athens logo

Contributing instruments

Instrument PI
UV-MFR radiometer Stelios Kazadzis
PSR sunphotometer Julian Groebner, Stelios Kazadzis

Recent activity

Uploaded data
ESA logo

CHARADMexp campaign is funded by the European Space Agency.

Beyond project logo

CHARADMexp is supported by the BEYOND Centre of Excellence, in the frame of the satellite cal/val activities performed by the Centre. LIVAS climatology as well as the smoke dispersion and dust services provided by BEYOND will be validated through the CHARADMexp campaign.

ACTRIS provides support to CHARADMexp participants by offering access to the Finokalia research facilities through the Transnational Access activity of the Network.