

PI Robert Banks, Jose Maria Baldasano
Participant Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Simulations of atmospheric variables including planetary boundary layer (PBL) height, 2-m air temperature, and wind speed and direction from the WRF-ARW (Weather Research and Forecasting – Advanced Research WRF) mesoscale meteorological model will be evaluated. WRF-ARW is a non-hydrostatic mesoscale numerical weather prediction model developed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research and is an important model component in the CALIOPE air quality forecast system ( WRF-ARW v3.5 offers the choice between ten different PBL parameterization schemes, each with a unique method of parameterizing the PBL structure and turbulent kinetic energy.

The configuration of WRF-ARW v3.5 for the CHARADMExp campaign will include an outer parent grid covering most of Europe and N. Africa and two nested grids covering Creta island. The spatial resolution of the the model domains are 12x12 km, 4x4 km and 1x1 km for the parent, intermediate and inner domains respectively.

More info and data can be found on BSC site.

Recent measurements

Measurement Start time Duration
WRF-ARW Meteogram July 16, 2014, midnight 1 day
WRF-ARW Meteogram July 15, 2014, midnight 1 day
WRF-ARW Meteogram July 14, 2014, midnight 1 day
WRF-ARW Meteogram July 13, 2014, midnight 1 day
WRF-ARW Meteogram July 12, 2014, midnight 1 day
WRF-ARW Meteogram July 11, 2014, midnight 1 day
WRF-ARW Meteogram July 10, 2014, midnight 1 day
WRF-ARW Meteogram July 9, 2014, midnight 1 day
WRF-ARW Meteogram July 7, 2014, midnight 1 day
WRF-ARW Meteogram July 6, 2014, midnight 1 day
WRF-ARW Meteogram July 5, 2014, midnight 1 day
WRF-ARW Meteogram July 4, 2014, midnight 1 day
WRF-ARW Meteogram July 3, 2014, midnight 1 day
WRF-ARW Meteogram July 2, 2014, midnight 1 day
WRF-ARW Meteogram July 1, 2014, midnight 1 day
WRF-ARW Meteogram June 30, 2014, midnight 1 day
WRF-ARW Meteogram June 27, 2014, midnight 1 day

Recent activity

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CHARADMexp campaign is funded by the European Space Agency.

Beyond project logo

CHARADMexp is supported by the BEYOND Centre of Excellence, in the frame of the satellite cal/val activities performed by the Centre. LIVAS climatology as well as the smoke dispersion and dust services provided by BEYOND will be validated through the CHARADMexp campaign.

ACTRIS provides support to CHARADMexp participants by offering access to the Finokalia research facilities through the Transnational Access activity of the Network.